Perpetual Trophies and Shields

A: Central Queensland Cue Sports City v Country 'A Grade Team Champion' donated by

B: Central Queensland Cue Sports City v Country 'B Grade Team Champion' donated by

C: Central Queensland Cue Sports City v Country 'C Grade Team Champion' donated by

W: Central Queensland Cue Sports City v Country 'Women's Team Champion' donated by

1: Teams are responsible for the safekeeping and maintenance for any perpetual trophy or shield awarded to them.

2: In the event of loss or irreparable damage to the item, the Team will pay for a full replacement including all previous engraving.

3: In the event of any damage, the Team will pay to restore the item to its original condition.

4: Any team awarded a perpetual trophy or shield is responsible for engraving it with the year of the Championship and the Name of the Team

5: The perpetual trophies are to be returned to the competition organizer on the first day of competition the following year.


  Perpetual Trophy
  (please engrave and return)
  CvC A Grade CvC B Grade CvC C Grade CvC Women
2018 Pioneer Pioneer Bundaberg Gladstone
2017 Capricornia Mackay Gladstone Fraser Coast
2016 Bundaberg Gladstone Gladstone Gladstone
2015 Bundaberg Capricornia Pioneer Gladstone
2014 Rockhampton Gladstone Pioneer Fraser Coast
2013 Fraser Coast Mackay . Fraser Coast
2012 Fraser Coast Mackay . Bundaberg


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